On a new computer we’ve added all the frameworks and so on ,but still got a message from Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 – “Unable to start debugging on the web server. The web server could not find the requested resource. Click Help for more information. “

In our project it was Web Application ( MVC )  using WCF .

We just upgraded to WINDOWS 7 and started working with IIS 7.5 .

So the message was not to evident. We’ve remembered that in IIS 6  in Windows XP it had a problem with .mvc extentions.

So we figured we are missing the MIME TYPES . We had .mvc extention configured , so we’ve checked what extentions are missing and found out it was .svc

In order to resolve this you need to run “\%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.0\Windows Communication Foundation\ServiceModelReg.exe -i”. It will create required .svc mapping.


check that you have the extentions needed in Handler Mappings of the default web site
